How to Cancel Profit Code

Profitcode is also known as

  • Profitcode
  • Profit Code

About Profitcode

Profit Code is a streaming website that offers curated content to business minds. The website was founded in 2018. It is owned by BWC Management, Ltd. The headquarters are based in Essex, England, United Kingdom. BWC Management, Ltd. is managed by Kellie Roughley and Mustafa Mehmet. The website includes thousands of titles from some of the world’s most elite entrepreneurs. All of this content is expertly curated. You will gain access to pro tips, business practices, and lessons from some of the greats. You will also have access to the latest business news, including marketing, stock trades, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, and more. This knowledge base is available 24/7 and can be accessed anytime and anywhere. You can join the website in under ten minutes. You will need to enter your name, email address, address, phone number, as well as a desired username and password. You will then be sent a verification email to your email address. You will need to click on the link within the email to confirm your email address is an accurate one. When you sign up, you are also agreeing to get the newsletters from Profit Code. Once you have signed up, you will have access to cryptocurrency guides, thousands of business and economic titles, New York Times Best Sellers, biographies of the world’s greatest entrepreneurs, self-improvement media, and much more. All of this content will be available in the online library that will be on your dashboard. The monthly membership is $39.95 per month. You will be charged this amount regularly. You can easily cancel your Profit Code membership. We have included instructions on this page for you to follow. Simply follow the cancellation instructions to effectively cancel your membership.


Get together the following account information:

  • Country
  • Phone Number
  • First Name
  • Date of Last Charge
  • Username
  • Password
  • Billing Address
  • Reason for Cancellation
  • City
  • ZIP/Postal Code
  • State/Province/Region
  • Last Name
  • Last 4 Digits of Card
  • Email Address
  • Amount of Last Charge

Phone (Live Agent)

Follow these steps:

  1. Pick up your phone and call 1-877-435-7612
  2. Tell the rep you need to cancel
  3. Ask if you can be granted a refund
  4. Give the rep the info they need to find your account
  5. Request that the agent emails you confirmation or gives you a verbal confirmation code
  6. Keep the proof given to you for your records

Web Chat

Follow these steps:

  1. Goto the website
  2. Click the link that reads Start Live Chat
  3. Tell the rep you need to cancel
  4. Request that the agent emails you confirmation or gives you a verbal confirmation code
  5. Make sure that you won’t be charged again by asking the rep
  6. Keep the proof given to you for your records

Web Form

Follow these steps:

  1. Goto the website
  2. Enter in your information where requested
  3. Request cancellation in description box
  4. Click the link that reads submit

MORE ABOUT Profitcode

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Address 29a Bank Street Braintree
Zip/Postal CodeCM7 1UG
CountryUnited Kingdom
Contact Information
Phone 11-877-435-7612
Phone 21-347-352-8456
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